Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Despite the rain

We had a lovely meet-up this evening in, our now regular haunt, the Old Quarter Pub.

We had four new faces this evening including RachelR. :waves at RachelR:


The more the merrier.

We've been a busy bunch with our yarn, sticks and hooks.


Some of our completed works and works in progress include:

Froodies GIR
Ain't he just the cutest? :)

Froodie's Swiss Flag Bag
In Progress

Froodies Flower Belt
In Progress

LukeOblivious' Sunshine Prayer Shawl
In Progress

RachaelR is working up a baby knit in a lovely shade of purple and cast on for another project this evening.

Froodie's Swiss Flag bag examined by the ever fashion conscious DD (aged 11) who patiently explained that zips don't have to completely close a bag and that the shorter zip would do. Hilarity ensued as DD made her case while Froodie countered with scenarios of houdini-inspired writing implements making their way out of said not-quite-zipped-closed bag. A freezer bag managed to be worked into the conversation as a solution.


Ya had to be there.


Our meet-up topics of conversation are.....random to say the least. Heh heh

Last week saw the group meet-up moving outdoors as, in spectacular contrast to this evening, it was sunny. MadeMarian did me the favour of bringing DD along and a swell ole time was had. I finished off my cardigan while volunteering in Rainbow Support Services. Oh how I did kvetch at hearing of the fine time I'd missed out on. Ho hum. While I didnt' get the outdoor pint enjoying this week, there was much fine banter and yummy munchies, as well as some, y'know, actual knitting. :)

This week it was MadeMarian who couldn't make it due to work commitments. Oh the joys.

See ya next week folks.

Same bat time, same bat place.

a.k.a. Crafty Rainbow Head

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rainbow Stitch'n'Bitch Meet Up 12.05.2009

Rainbow SnB are meeting up in the Old Quarter tonight from 7.30p.m. til about 9.30p.m. If you have the ability to natter over a cuppa then please join this crafty bunch. You don't actually have to be a crafter to drop by. Just bring your friendly self and change for a cuppa tea. If you have a portable craft - embroidery, crochet, tatting, knitting - the SnB crew will ooh and aah over your progress to date.

LukeOblivious will be away on a volunteering promise so your yarny hosts for this evening will be Froodie (Sarah) & MadeMarian (Maz).

The links are to their Ravelry profiles. Ravelry is like Facebook for yarn craft nerds. Only members of the site can access the site. It's free to join. It's in Beta testing mode at the moment and takes about a day, maybe two, to get signed up. It's a nifty site in our humble opinions and has boards for Irish Knitters and for Munster knitters so it's well worth checking out.

Happy crafting to ya folks.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What a lovely time

LukeOblivious here.

We had a sweet time in the Old Quarter last night. :)

My blond bombshell said to me on the way out that the bar staff are the nicest she has met and that if she had the cash she would give them a tenner each. High praise indeed.

The staff know to expect our yarny selves in each Tuesday, so if you find yourself a little lost as to where in the venue we are, just ask one of the staff members on duty and they will duly point you towards us.

Happy crafting folks